Table 5: Quality of life in relation to current pain (SF- 36)

Quality of life questionnaire 1 Overall (N=70) Without current pain (N=30) Current pain (N=40) p
Role - physical 43.9 (±28.5) 54.3 (±32.0) 36.1 (±23.1) 0.011
Physical function 36.4 (±39.6) 59.2 (±42.8) 19.4 (±26.8) < 0.001
Bodily pain 57.0 (±29.5) 79.7 (±24.4) 40.0 (±20.0) < 0.001
General health 38.5 (±23.2) 47.4 (±24.8) 31.8 (±19.8) 0.005
Vitality 38.6 (±20.6) 45.0 (±21.5) 33.9 (±18.7) 0.024
Social function 61.1 (±27.9) 70.6 (±28.1) 53.9 (±25.8) 0.012
Role - emotional 56.2 (±43.5) 70.0 (±37.5) 45.8 (±45.1) 0.017
Mental health 63.8 (±18.1) 71.3 (±13.7) 58.1 (±19.0) 0.001

1The variables are described in terms of average (± SD); difference between groups tested by ANOVA.