Table 2: Physico-chemical properties of the SLN batches. Values refer to mean ? S.D. of samples analyzed within 24 h from the production.

Batch code Z-ave (nm) PDI ZP (mV)
S1A 233.9 + 2.33 0.224 + 0.030 +47.4 + 2.17
S2A 245.0 + 2.11 0.270 + 0.010 +53.0 + 3.20
S3A 213.9 + 1.47 0.210 + 0.022 +47.4 + 0.97
S1B/TD> 253.1 + 3.84 0.233 + 0.021 +30.8 + 2.31
S2B 264.9 + 6.59 0.268 + 0.027 +36.5 + 2.08
S3B 322.2 + 4.73 0.259 + 0.016 +46.5 + 0.42
S2C 167.8 + 4.99 0.444 + 0.080 -26.0 + 0.11