Table 2: Results of testing differences in prediction accuracies between the created ANN, and MLR models

ANN model ANN architecture MSE on the test sample SMAPE on the test sample (%)
Fasting glucose variability 2 hidden layers 5.23 23.69
Postprandial glucose variability 1 hidden layer 30.58 33.24
Increased HbA1c 1 hidden layer 0.17 1.47

ANN: Artificial neural networks; HbA1c: glycosylated hemoglobin A1c; MSE: mean squared error; SMAPE: symmetric mean average percentage error.

MLR model Model's size MSE on the test sample SMAPE on the test sample (%)
Fasting glucose variability number of explanatory variables = 14** 2.47 69.50
Postprandial glucose variability number of explanatory variables = 10 6.79 99.64
Increased HbA1c number of explanatory variables = 16 1.66 13.44

MLR: Multiple linear regression; **the variables "Dg of the upper gastrointestinal tract disorders" and "Antidiabetic drugs in use > 6 months" was split into the two components.