Table 8: Comparing premix human insulin vs. premix insulin analogues.

Glycaemic control
Name of study Study population size (n) Patients included Drugs compared Inference p Value
Matto, et al. [38] n = 151 Type 2 diabetes Insulin lispro 75/25


Human insulin 70/30

Reduction in mean 4 point blood glucose profile: Insulin lispro > Human insulin p = 0.004
Malone, et al. [39] n = 84 Type 2 diabetes Insulin lispro 75/25


Human insulin 70/30

PP blood glucose excursion: Lower with insulin lispro than human insulin p < 0.001
AUC in glucose concentration - time curve: Less in insulin lispro than human insulin ----
Christiansen, et al. [40] n = 403 Type 2 diabetes BI Asp 30



Comparable reduction in HbA1c with both (0.67% with BI Asp 30 0.61% with NPH) ----
PP increment over 3 meals: Lower with BI Asp 30 than NPH p < 0.0001
Boehm, et al. [41] n = 294 Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes BI Asp 70/30


Human insulin 70/30

Reduction in HbA1c: Similar with both ----
PP blood glucose control: BI Asp > Human Insulin ----
PP: Post Prandial; AUC: Area Under Curve; BI Asp: Biphasic Insulin Aspart.