Table 2: 2011 Pilot Study results showing a breakdown of the 14 females studied by biometric, financial, and nutritional data gathered from a standard questionnaire

Information that was not collected was marked by ‘x.’

Subject # Age (years) BMI Waist/Hip Ratio Blood Glucose Level (mg/dL) Monthly Income (soles) Cost per Meal (soles) Typical Breakfast Typical Lunch Typical Dinner Recent Diseases faced in community What in their opinion is the greatest problem in the community?
1 48 26.6 0.96 253 450 6 O, Br, S R, V, Beans R, C, P Diabetes, Malnutrition Lack of water, Living in dirt, Travel to city
2 23 18.8 0.85 63 300 10 O,M R, C M x x
3 30 30.1 0.95 86 400 3 O,M,S R, Sa, V, C C, B, Soy Anemia, Contamination Lack of water
4 42 19 0.83 52 200 6 O,Br R, V, Sa R, S, E Tea Heart Condition Access to fruits
5 34 25.3 0.99 73 400 5 O,Br, Jelly R, V, C, F O, R, Sa Bronchitis Delinquency
6 48 34.1 1.00 94 600 6 O, Br, Butter, Avocado R, C, Sa Leftovers High Cholesterol Malnutrition, Access to medicine
7 28 31.5 0.95 69 400 10 O, Br, E R, V, C, Potato Leftovers Diabetes, epilepsy Lack of water, Sewage
8 42 27.5 0.63 x 400 6 O, Br Sa S, C Kidney stones, UT infection Lack of security, accss to medicine
9 23 23.3 0.97 87 1200 5 O, Br, E R, C O, B, S x Lack of water, Delinquency, Children's diarrhea
10 23 27.7 0.99 77 500 5 O, Soy, Grains R, C, P S x Lack of water, Sewage, Diarrhea
11 27 23.3 0.94 75 800 5 M, E, Br, Cheese R, C, Sa S Anemia, Allergy Malnutrition, Anemia, Pollution, sewage
12 24 21.8 0.90 71 500 5 O, Br, Cereal R, C, V S x Lack of security, Delinquency
13 32 36 1.13 72 300 3.5 O, Br, S R, V S Anemia Lack of water, sewage, diarrhea
14 29 25 0.97 69 500 7 O, Br, Butter R, C, V, P S Constant abdominal pain Lack of water

Obese/High Blood Sugar
O Oatmeal
M Milk
Br Bread
R Rice
C Chicken
V Vegetable Soup
S Soup
E Egg
Sa Salad
F Fish
P Potato