Table 5: Correlations between change in Apo B/Apo A-1 and clinical parameters (values prior to treatment)

Correlation coefficient (R) Contribution rate (R2) P value
Age -0.161 0.026 ns
Body weight 0.470 0.221 p< 0.05
LDL-C 0.296 0.088 ns
HDL-C -0.558 0.312 p< 0.01
TG 0.541 0.292 p< 0.05
HbA1c 0.482 0.232 p< 0.05
Glu 0.224 0.050 ns
Blood CPR 0.714 0.510 p< 0.001
Pooled urine CPR 0.532 0.283 p<0.05