Table 1: Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics and baseline thromboembolic and hemorrhagic risk profiles.

All (N = 78) Men (N = 43) Women (N = 40) p-value
Age in years (median and IQR) 77.8

[68.2 81.3]


[66.0 79.6]


[74.6 81.9]

Paroxysmal AF 25 (32.1%) 13 (31.7%) 12 (32.4%) 0.945
Permanent AF 52 (66.7%) 28 (68.3%) 24 (64.9%) 0.748
Arterial hypertension 70 (89.7%) 37 (90.2%) 33 (89.2%) 0.878
Diabetes mellitus 40 (51.3%) 17 (41.5%) 23 (62.2%) 0.068
Patient history
Previous PCI 6 (7.7%) 3 (7.3%) 3 (8.1%) 0.954
Previous stroke 18 (23.1%) 8 (19.5%) 10 (27.0%) 0.432
Previous stroke during OAC 10 (12.8%) 4 (9.8%) 6 (16.2%) 0.341
Previous IHD 18 (23.1%) 10 (24.4%) 8 (21.6%) 0.772
Previous CHF 25 (32.1%) 14 (34.1%) 11 (29.7%) 0.676
Baseline embolic and bleeding risk profile
CHADS2 (median [IQR]) 3 [2 - 4] 3 [2 - 4] 3 [2 - 4] 0.590
CHA2DS2-VASc (median [IQR]) 5 [3 - 5] 4 [3 - 5] 5 [4 - 6] 0.005
HAS-BLED (median [IQR]) 4 [3 - 5] 4 [3 - 5] 4 [3 - 4] 0.465

Values are expressed as Number (percentage) unless otherwise indicated.

CHF: Congestive heart failure; CVA: Cerebrovascular accident; IHD: Ischemic heart disease; IQR: interquartile range; OAC: Oral anticoagulant; PCI: Percutaneous cardiac intervention.