Table 1: Effects of Energy Drink Ingredient of Endothelial Function.

Ingredient Effect on Endothelial Function Therapy Comments
L-Carnitine Increase *PAD Further long term studies needed & which isomer would be most effective
Guarana NF NR -
Inositol NF NR -
Glucuronolactone NF NR -
Taurine Increase *DM1 Further elucidation for mechanism of action in DM1 patients and protective effects in pro-inflammatory states
Ginseng Increase / no effect *DM2/HTN Delineation between KRG and ARG to determine which has greater potential for therapy; also what are the active compounds in the marketed preparations
Glucose Decrease NR All advocated a decrease in serum levels of glucose being beneficial to patients
Caffeine Decrease NR Possible use in coronary artery disease since a study showed improvement after purified caffeine pills
Riboflavin NF NR -
Niacin Increase / no effect CAD/DM2/MS/HLD Clarification on beginning treatment on statin therapy and at what levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
Pyridoxine Increase / no effect *HHC/CAD Studies on healthy, without folate, and long-term studies with HHC
Cyanocobalamin No effect *HHC/MS Studies without folate and role in HHC therapy
NF: No articles Found; NR: No Recommendations at this time; *: Possible role in therapy; PAD: Peripheral Arterial Disease; HTN: Hypertension; DM: Diabetes Mellitus; HLD: Hyperlipidemia; HHC: Hyperhomocysteinemia