Table 1: Demographic data is presented for the study participants, along with frequency of immunodeficiency comorbidities, average immunoglobulin D (IgD) and frequency of elevated IgD.

Characteristics Result N = 87
Age onset of symptoms, years (range) 2.2 ± 1.7 (0.2-8)
Age at diagnosis, years (range) 3.9 ± 2.5 (1-9)
Female, n, % 43, 49%
Race, n, %
White 79, 90.8%
Black 6, 6.9%
Hispanic 1, 1.1%
Asian 1, 1.1%
Associated conditions, n, %
THI 4, 4.6%
SAD 4, 4.6%
MBL deficiency 1, 1.1%
MEFV heterozygous mutation 3, 3.4%
IgD, mg/dl, (range) 6.8 ± 9.7, (0.69 to 44.43)
Elevated IgD, % 10.80%
S. pneumoniae antibody, % protective
Pre 45.7% ± 17.0%
Post Prevnar® immunization 69.3% ± 26.1%
Post Pneumovax® immunization 80.0% ± 18.5%