Table 2: Current recommendations for feeding during the first year of life for prevention of allergic diseases.

ESPGHAN/EAACI [33,37] AAP [38]
Definition of infant high risk A first-degree relative with atopy Two first-degree relative with atopy

Exclusion diet pregnancy foods

Not recommended

There is no evidence nutritional risk benefit

2000: Not recommended, with the possible exception

Peanut exclusion

2008: Not recommended

There is no evidence to support the exclusion of Peanut diet

The exclusion diet mother during LM

Not recommended

There is no evidence nutritional risk benefit

2000: Diet peanut exclusion nuts. Consider exclusion of egg, milk beef and fish. 2008: Not recommended

LM exclusive

Recommended for 4-6 months

2000: 6 months

2008: Suitable for 4-6 months

Use of hydrolysates

Reduced allergenicity formulas (extensive hydrolyzed) to 4-6 months as a substitute/supplement LM

Hydrolysed or otherwise extensive hydrolysates partial to 4-6 months

substitute/supplement LM.

There are only some evidence that the use of PHWP decreases/DA delays.

Using formulas soy

Not recommended

Not recommended

Beginning of diversification feed

Not before 4-6 months

2000: From 6 months

2008: not before 4-6 months

Delayed introduction food

Not recommended

There is no evidence that modifications dietary beyond 6 months have preventive effect

2000: a year cow's milk, egg at 2 years, peanuts, nuts and fish at 3 years

2008: There is no evidence supporting the delay in the introduction of egg, fish and food containing peanut protein

ESPGHAN: European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition; EAACI: European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology; AAP: American Academy of Pediatrics.