Table 5: Outcome.

All patients N = 861 18-59 years (n = 377) 60 years and above(n = 484)
Medical n = 217 Surgical n = 160 Medical n = 320 Surgical n = 164
ICU mortality n (%) 205 (24%) 38 (18%) 24 (15%) 94 (29%) 49 (30%)
Treatment restrictions, total n (%) 183 (21%) 27 (13%) 23 (14%) 85 (27%) 48 (29%)
___Withdrawal of treatment n (%) 141 (16%) 21 (10%) 22 (14%) 60 (19%) 38 (23%)
___Treatment withheld n (%) 42 (5%) 6 (3%) 1 (1%) 25 (8%) 10 (6%)
Hospital mortality n (%) 279 (32%) 50 (23%) 28 (17%) 143 (45%) 57 (35%)*
Discharge location for hospital survivors:
_Home or rehabilitation n (%) 455 (53%) 146 (67%) 124 (77%) 111 (35%) 74 (45%)
_Nursing home n (%) 88 (10%) 10 (5%) 1 (1%) 55 (17%) 22 (13%)
_Other (including psychiatric institution) n (%) 39 (4%) 11 (5%) 7 (5%) 13 (4%) 11 (7%)