Table 1: Maternal Socio-Demographic factors associated with BBA.

BBA Hospital delivery Statistics
n % n %
Age 15-19 years 11 78.6% 3 21.4% χ2 = 4.378
p = 0.009
20-24 years 10 27.0% 27 73.0%
25-29 years 9 37.5% 15 62.5%
30-34 years 8 38.1% 13 61.9%
35-39 years 6 37.5% 10 62.5%
≥ 40 years 6 60.0% 4 40.0%
Marital status Single 24 61.5% 15 38.5% χ2 = 4.967
p = 0.023
Married 26 31.3% 57 68.7%
Education Level No formal education 21 75.0% 7 25.0% χ2 = 7.345
p = 0.007
Primary 24 36.9% 41 63.1%
Secondary 4 18.2% 18 81.8%
Tertiary 1 14.3% 6 85.7%
Employment Status Self-employed 8 20.5% 31 79.5% χ2 = 2.013
p = 0.099
Unemployed 40 54.1% 34 45.9%
Employed 2 22.2% 7 77.8%
Monthly income Less than Ksh 10000 41 52.6% 37 47.4% χ2 = 7.454
p = 0.010
Ksh 10000 and above 9 20.5% 35 79.5%