Table 15: Distribution of patients by type of "rescue" and geographical area.

Geographical Area
North_West North_East Centre South_Islands
Did you address...?: Pharmacist 15.2% 5.6% 7.3% 12.5%
General Practitioner 38.4% 70.9% 42.5% 55.5%
Pharmacist and General Practitioner 19.7% 14.0% 23.2% 11.4%
Headache Center 8.5% 1.6% 2.5% 10.1%
General Practitioner and Headache Center 9.3% 4.9% 14.3% 6.5%
All 9.0% 3.1% 10.2% 4.0%
Total 625.0% 450.0% 600.0% 825.0%

Significant χ2 Test of the association between the two variables P-value = 0.000.