Table 1: Descriptive statistics of the 2013 nursing personnel.

Individual level Overall level
Variable Category Sub-category Subtotal (%) Total (%) Variable Category Sub-category Number % Total (%)
Nursing personnel Nursing RN 141,968 (80.4) 176,414 (100) Hospital category Medical centers RN 44,665 31.5 47,930 (27.2)
LPN 34,446 (19.6) LPN 3,265 9.5
Gender Female RN 139,478 173,651 (98.4) Metropolitan hospitals RN 50,571 35.6 57,522 (32.6)
LPN 34,173 LPN 6,951 20.2
Male RN 2,490 2,763 (1.6) Local community hospitals RN 22,268 15.7 31,580 (17.9)
LPN 273 LPN 9,312 27
Age < 30 RN 46,577 51,911 (29.4) Clinics RN 24,464 17.2 39,382 (22.3)
LPN 5,334 LPN 14,918 43.3
31-40 RN 59,788 73,839 (41.8) Sector type Public hospital RN 42,655 30 48,153 (27.3)
LPN 14,051 LPN 5,498 16
41-50 RN 27,436 34,146 (19.3) Private hospital RN 99,313 70 127,261 (72.7)
LPN 6,710 LPN 28,948 84
> 50 RN 8,167 16,518 (9.4)
LPN 8,351

RN: Registered Nurse; LPN: Licensed Practical Nurse.