Table 1: Results of pre and post intervention.

Content evaluation questionnaire Pre intervention results Post intervention result Difference
Stated two or more quality agencies that used the 2012AGSBC for PIM use in older adults as a standard of practice before the intervention N = 72 13.89% N = 79** 81.18% 36% Increase
Stated two methods of patient or caregiver engagement and empowerment before the intervention N = 72 48.61% N = 79 88.24% 39.63% Increase
Stated two approach and engage providers in discussion about patient’s PIM and CMS high-risk medication N = 72 19.44% N = 79** 74.12% 54.68% Increase
Stated top three CMS high-risk medications prescribed to their MCT, rationale, and potential alternatives N = 72 9.72% N = 79** 14.12% 4.4% Increase
After the education of skill building case study, participants correctly identified appropriate medications using the 2012AGSBC for PIM use in older adults N = 79 69.62%
My confidence ruler Percent Mean, SD Percent Mean, SD Difference
Participants self-rated they were confident to identify PIMs using the 2012AGSBC for PIM use in older adults N = 73 45.34% Mean 4.53, SD = 3.08 N = 77** 72.34% Mean 7.23, SD = 2.10 27% Increase
Aggregate data of PIMs prescribed and filled
Aggregate data of PIMs prescribed and filled were collected for a specific time period, two months before the intervention and two months afterward (data was obtained via electronic database) 4899 PIMs 1739 PIMs 36% Decrease

**Participants completed the post test that were late and did not completed the pre test.