Table 1: Opinions of the participants on nursing profession based on SWOT analysis.

1. Theme: Strengths of Nursing Profession

Strengths of Nursing Profession Education

×   Presence of a license education according to EU criteria Presence of numerous license programs offering nursing education

×   Absence of a nursing education at high school level legally

×   Absence of postgraduate education program

×   Presence of educated instructors

×   Nurses having rich theoretical knowledge


Other Strengths of Nursing Profession

×   Nurses having legal rights and laws

×   Presence of occupational associations

×   Increasing number of scientific researches and application in nursing field

×   Working in an essential field like health

×   Nurses working one on one with individuals or patients

×   Being in a good situation in terms of technology use

×   Favorable emotional tendency of the society to nursing

×   Viewing nurses as the host of hospitals

×   Great number of nurses 

×   Men joining the profession

II. Theme: Weaknesses of Nursing Profession

Weaknesses of Working Conditions of Nursing Profession

×    Inadequate number of actively working nurses although the number of nurses working at the hospital is adequate

×    Doing overtime

×    Working for insufficient and unequal wages

×    Failing to refer to nurse opinion in reaching decisions about the nurses

×    Lack of encouraging setting

×    Insufficient autonomy

×    Role loss and chaos in the duty, authority and responsibilities of nurses

×    Perception of physicians as anauthority

×    absence of the provision of the services of nurses in the performance system

×    Inadequate worker safety

×    Unfavorable effect of shift working system on living quality

×    Non-ergonomic working conditions and being obliged to work with missing materials




Other Weaknesses Of Nursing Profession

×   Inequalities in educational levels of nurses 

×   Insufficient foreign language knowledge

×   Weak researching aspects of nurses and lack of support of administration on this matter

×   Resistance to innovation and change

×   Insufficient reflection of theoretical information on the application and presence of differences in application

×   Opinion differences among instructors

×   Instructors do not go to the clinic, therefore there is no unison and harmony between theory and application

×   Inability to put professional norms and standards into practice

×   Nurses are not supported by their colleagues in educational field

×   Nonsupport of specialization by the state or still failing to give specialized nurse appointments

×   Prevalence of authority acceptance and submission to authority by nurses

×   Inadequate professional awareness

×   Inadequate organization and conflicts between organizations

×   Inadequate strategic work force planning

×   Appointment of persons in professions other than nursing to health institutions’ nursing administrations

×   Unwillingness to political participation

III. Theme: Opportunities Directed to Nursing Profession

Job Finding Opportunitiesin Nursing Profession

×    Great need for nurses in the society

×    Increasing number of patients

×    Continuous need for health services

×    Great work finding opportunity

×    Opportunity to work in Europe and America if certain conditions are provided

×    Very large working field

×    Perceiving or serving as a life coach

Other Opportunities Directed to Nursing Profession

×   An opportunity to do academic career

×   Presence of opportunities for doing research and wide research area

×   Problem solution and practical thinking ability gaining enabled by nursing profession

×   Patients share their situation with nurses most easily

×   Spiritual satisfaction provided by nursing profession

×   Existence of an opinion as «a nurse is necessary for each home »

×   Presenting doctor examination opportunity for our kin the best way 

IV. Theme: Threats Against Nursing Profession

Workers’ Health

×    High risk of catching occupational illnesses or contagious diseases

×   Frequent experience of stress and depression

×   High rate of exhaustion experience

×    Frequent experience of sleep deprivation, wear and biological arrhythmia

×   Lack of life guarantee


Other Threats Against Nursing Profession

×   Exposure to mobbing

×   High anxiety of malpractice and making mistakes

×   Other health professionals (doctors, emergency medicine technicians, etc.)

×   Nurse aides

×   Appointment of men who join nursing profession in administrative duties mostly

×   Accusation although they don’t deserve it, and being ignored and not caring

×   Inability to postpone work, mandatory service continuance, emergency and imperativeness of doing the work

×   Increasing rate of work load

×   Inability of nurses to participate in decisions about nursing and making of these decisions by different occupation groups

×   Undertaking roles of other workers