Table 1: Characteristics of the study population (N = 206).

Variables Frequency % (n)
Sex Male 41.3 (85)
Female 58.7 (121)
Age (in years) 15-25 9.2 (19)
26-35 36.9 (76)
36-45 30.1 (62)
46-55 18.0 (37)
≥ 56 5.8 (12)
Education level No formal education 11.2 (23)
Primary education 65.5 (135)
Secondary and higher 23.3 (48)
Occupation Peasant 36.9 (76)
Employed1 22.3 (46)
Business 40.8 (84)
Marital status Married 48.1 (99)
Single 5.8 (12)
Divorced 13.6 (28)
Widow 19.9 (41)
Cohabiting 12.6 (26)
Religion Christian 68.0 (140)
Muslim 24.8 (51)
No religion 7.2 (15)
Current alcohol use Yes 8.3 (17)
No 91.7 (189)
Stigma Yes 47.9 (97)
No 52.9 (109)
Monthly income (in TZs)2 0-200,000 82 (169)
200,001-1,000,000 18 (37)
Bus fare (in TZs)2 ≤ to 2000 57.8 (119)
2000 to 10000 12.6 (26)
By foot/Private Car 29.6 (61)
Distance from the clinic (Most convenient transport) Less than 1 hour 84 (173)
More than 1 hour 16 (33)

1Employed was defined as those who are employed by organization or self-employed; 2TZs: Tanzanian shilling (1USD = 2276 TZS).