Table 1: The mean serum values (X ± SEM, SEM = Standard Error Mean) for c-iPTH and CT in non/hemodyalized patients.

c-iPTH (mU/mL) CT (pmoL/L) (r: y = ax + b) correlation
Patients not on HD (X1) 54.15 ± 6.23 89.65 ± 19.48 (-0.14: -04.x + 107.65)
Patients on HD (X2) 50.58 ± 5.79 31.33 ± 7.54
σx1-x2 (Z) = NS Z = 3.60 SEM (p = 0.003) (-0.32: -0.42x + 52.65)
Total 53.11 ± 4.98 62.58 ± 10.68

Z = statistical significance of the difference (σX1-X2) between two mean values (Z presented in SEM)). The ratio r = coefficient of correlation (interrelationship between the each value for CT and c-iPTH).