Table 3: Bivariate and multivariable Cox proportional regression analysis among adult hypertensive patients attending at Ayder comprehensive specialized hospital, Tigray, Ethiopia, 2018 (n = 578).

Variables Category Bivariate Multivariable
p-value COR 95.0% CI p-value AOR 95.0% CI
Lower Upper Lower Upper
Blood Pressure Controlled (Ref)
Uncontrolled 0.001* 7.76 5.29 11.38 0.83 2.330 1.78 6.96
Age > = 60 years 0.001* 6.67 4.58 19.70 0.001* 3.13 1.72 5.67
< 60 years (Ref)
Protein urea Yes 0.001* 183.59 65.79 512.24 0.06 5.068 1.93 27.43
No (Ref)
CKD Yes 0.001* 29.34 18.91 45.50 0.081 9.204 1.76 111.38
No (Ref)
BMI Over weight and obese 0.001* 32.69 20.27 52.73 0.001* 9.450 4.92 18.15
Normal (Ref)
Dyslipidaemia Yes 0.001* 11.26 7.31 17.34 0.14 1.874 1.83 4.32
No (Ref)
DM Yes 0.001* 5.01 3.40 7.38 0.031* 2.137 1.07 4.26
No (Ref)
Alcohol Yes 0.02 1.57 1.06 2.32 0.96 2.983 1.27 11.23
No (Ref)
Smoking Yes 0.001* 34.33 15.47 76.15 0.001* 8.391 2.57 27.39
No (Ref)
High salt in take Yes 0.001* 0.061 0.025 0.150 0.37 2.452 2.452 10.17
No (Ref)
Less physical activity Yes 0.001* 6.33 2.68 14.96 0.003* 7.075 1.981 25.276
No (Ref)

Note: *= Variables with significant association; Ref: Reference category; COR: Crude Odds Ratio; AOR: Adjusted Odds Ratio.