Journal of

Geriatric Medicine and GerontologyISSN: 2469-5858


 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510076

The Prevalence of Frailty and Its Association with Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Older Adults

Selina Cheong Tingting, Goh Wen Yang, Ong Eng Hui, Siti Nurhana Abdul Karim, See Lin Li and Edward Chong Kah Chun

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: September 18, 2019

The complex interplay between altered pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, greater multimorbidity and polypharmacy, are associated with increased risk of adverse drug reactions (ADR) in older adults. There remains a paucity of data on the association between frailty and ADRs. We aimed to determine the association between frailty and the prevalence, presentation and severity of ADRs among hospitalized older adults. This was a retrospective, cross-sectional study in an acute care hospital in Sin...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510075

A Novel Dual-Task Balance Challenge to Prevent Falls in Older Adults: A Randomized Pilot Study

Ruth E Taylor-Piliae, PhD, RN, FAHA, Chiu-Hsieh (Paul) Hsu, PhD, Hanne Dolan, MSN, RN, PhD Student, Nima Toosizadeh, PhD and Jane Mohler, NP-C, MPH, PhD4

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: September 16, 2019

A Matter of Balance (MOB) is a national community-based fall prevention program focusing on cognitive restructuring to manage concerns about falling, though does not include a balance-training component. A dual-task balance challenge (DTBC) comprising weight transfer using fixed and random ordering of ankle-reaching balance tasks was added to MOB, to determine of this would lead to reduced fall risk. The study aims were to assess acceptance, satisfaction, safety and adherence to the intervention...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510074

Labial Fusion in a Postmenopausal Woman Presenting with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: A Case Report

Jung-Ting Lin, Chin-Kai Huang, Lan-Yin Huang, Pei-Ying Wu and Yu-Fang Huang

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: September 12, 2019

Acute or chronic lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) may be secondary to labial fusion in menopause. Early detection and treatment may help prevent progression of the condition. A 61-year-old, nulligravida, postmenopausal woman without sexual experience presented with partial labial fusion accompanying urinary tract infection and urinary retention. There was no follow up and five years later, when a transurethral catheterization failed during surgery for head and neck cancer, complete labial fus...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510073

The Effect of Music Listening on Anxiety and Pain in Chronically and Terminally Ill Patients

Kalen Hendra, MD, Catherine Sims, MD and Soheir Boshra, MD

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: September 11, 2019

Numerous studies have shown that music therapy (MT) and music listening (ML) can improve patient symptoms such as anxiety, pain, and relaxation. To investigate the effect of multiple ML sessions and the association between patient expectations and outcomes, patients were recruited from two nursing and rehabilitation centers in Roanoke, Virginia. Patients received three 30-minute ML sessions (experimental) or no intervention (control). Patient data included the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510072

Age Features of Periostal Callus Formation in Patients with Closed Fractures Bones of the Shoulder and of the Tibia

Schurov Vladimir Alekseevich, MD and Melnikova Lyudmila Vasilievna

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: August 30, 2019

Treatment of patients with fractures of the bones of the leg in an outpatient setting occurs under conditions of a forced increase in the axial load on the injured lower limb. The aim of the study was to determine the conditions for the formation of periosteal callus of the shoulder and lower leg and to assess the effect on its formation of the time frame for fixation of bone fragments in people of different ages under the conditions of treatment in the outpatient setting. In patients with a leg...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510071

Examination of the Relationship of Asymptomatic Swallowing Disorder Prevalence with Hypertension, Diabetes and Obesity in Elderly Population

Arif YUKSEL, Can Ahmet KULAN, Rifat Reha BILGIN, Yaprak Ozum UNSAL, Nuri YURTMAN , Fehmi AKCICEK and Hatice ULUER

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: August 02, 2019

As one gets older, some changes occur in swallowing mechanisms. The non-symptomatic swallowing disorders associated with aging for no reason are called presbyphagia. Whether or not presbyphagia has any cause other than the mechanisms of aging is not clear. In our study, we investigated the association of presbyphagia with hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. Early detection of presbyphagia is important, and it is also important to reveal its association with common diseases encountered in societ...

Volume 5
Issue 3